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For debugging we recommend @reatom/logger package (included in @reatom/framework)


npm i @reatom/logger

After install finished you need to connect logger to reatom context

import { createCtx } from '@reatom/core'
import { connectLogger } from '@reatom/logger'

const ctx = createCtx();

More settings you can found in @reatom/logger documentation


Immutable nature of Reatom give us incredible possibilities for debugging any data flow kind: synchronous and asynchronous.
Let’s start from simple example.

import { createCtx, atom } from '@reatom/core'
import { connectLogger } from '@reatom/logger'

const ctx = createCtx();

const counterAtom = atom(0)
const doubledAtom = atom((ctx) => counterAtom * 2)

counterAtom(ctx, 24)

This is what we see in logs:

Reatom 1 transaction
├─ 3:37:34 PM 477ms
├─ counterAtom
│  ├─ cause: "root"
│  ├─ history: [...]
│  ├─ newState: 0
│  ├─ oldState: 24
│  ├─ patch: {...}
│  └─ time: 275.94
├─ 24
├─ doubledAtom
│  ├─ cause: "<-- counterAtom"
│  ├─ history: [...]
│  ├─ newState: 0
│  ├─ oldState: 48
│  ├─ patch: {...}
│  └─ time: 275.96
└─ 48

Records comes in pairs: atom and new state value. Under atom name record you can found few properties:

  • cause - describe why this update happens, why trigger it
  • history - atom values that was before update

Let’s look at more complex example (live)

const productAtom = atom(null)

const loadProduct = action(async (ctx) => {
  const res = await fetch('')
  const product = await res.json()
  productAtom(ctx, product)

export const App = () => {
  const [product] = useAtom(productAtom)
  const onClick = useAction(loadProduct)
  return (
     { product ? <ProductCard>{product}</ProductCard> : <button onClick={onClick}>Load product</button>  }

const ProductCard = ({ children: p }) => {
  return <div>
    <img src={p.thumbnail}></img>